Privacy Policy

This website collects only the information you enter into the forms. This includes your contact information, and a snapshot of your financial situation. We do not collect information about specific financial accounts or debts such as account numbers or even names of financial institutions. Other companies such as Google and your Internet Browser may collect additional technical information from your computer while you visit this website. This behavior is beyond our control and we take no responsibility for the actions of third parties.

We use the information you provide to determine what sort of benefit, if any, a bankruptcy filing could provide to you. We then use the contact information you give us to contact you and ask whether you would like a consultation with our firm. If you indicate that you do not desire to communicate with our firm we delete your information and do not communicate with you further, unless you request otherwise.

We use your personal info to contact you once, either by telephone or by email, about the possibility of filing for bankruptcy. If you do not set up an appointment after this initial contact we will not contact you in the future and will delete your information. If you wish to give us information without being contacted, then please write in the message field that you do not wish to be contacted. We will honor your wishes.

As stated earlier, we do not store information gathered from this website after we have made an initial contact with you. If you want your information deleted before this time, then please email us through our contact form and write "delete contact information" in the message field or call our office at (612) 315-0077 and ask to have the contact information you entered into our website deleted.

We do not disclose, share, sell, or otherwise transmit your information to companies. We are a law firm and your information is confidential, and may be protected by attorney-client privilege. Confidentiality of information is essential to effective legal representation and we have a strong ethical duty not to transmit your information to other parties, even if you never hire our law firm or communicate with us beyond the initial contact on our website. We take this duty seriously, and have systems in place so that your information does not leave our office.